Slowly, signs of life are starting to pop-up in the trade show world. An article in the WSJ who’s headline read “Trade Shows Limp Back to Life After Lockdowns didn’t sound exactly “rosy” but it was music to our ears!
It has always been our belief that Europe would lead the U.S. in convention openings simply because Europe always seemed to be a month or two ahead of the U.S. in terms of of case increases. If they were forced to shut down before we were, then that same logic trail would lead some to believe that they would begin to resume holding shows before we did.
It also appears that the states have decided to help companies be leading pioneers in the comeback!
If you live in any of the following states, and are eager to break in to or re-enter the international markets, then click the applicable links below to see what your state is doing for you!!
We will continue to update this list as we find more states offering grants to businesses! If you find one we are missing, please email us a link
If you do decide to starting exhibiting overseas, let us know and we’ll be happy to help with everything from design, build, marketing, and more.